Children's Flea Market

12.6.2022, 8:00 - 13:00

After a two-year break due to Covid, the popular children's flea market in Vienna's Prater is back!

On June 12, 2022, young merchants will demonstrate their sales skills: Dolls, Matchbox cars and electronics were sorted out during spring cleaning and should now make other children happy. The access road via Wurstelplatz to Straße des 1. Mai is transformed into a children's paradise for rooting around and browsing.

Children help children
Prater Wien GmbH donates the proceeds from stand fees to the Sterntalerhof children's hospice. The Schweizerhaus of the Karl Kolarik family has been supporting the event for many years and is doubling the amount raised this year for the benefit of the children's hospice.

The stands are limited and will only be given to registered children.
Registrations will only be accepted from May 12nd, 2022 by email to, stating the first name, last name and year of birth of the participating child.

There is no stand allocation on site and no waiting list.
A maximum of 2 pitches per family will be allocated.
Tables are to be taken away.

Program / Dates

Details on the children's flea market in Vienna's Prater:
When: Sunday, June 12 -  8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m
Where: access road via Wurstelplatz and Straße des 1. Mai
Only in good weather (no rain)!

Visitor information

A fee of EUR 15.00/stand will be charged.

In the much-loved Prater tradition, the stand rents benefit the Sterntalerhof, which takes care of families with seriously, chronically and terminally ill children.
The Schweizerhaus doubles the donations.

More information at

At the Sterntalerhof in southern Burgenland, an interdisciplinary team helps seriously ill children and their families through difficult times. The association is financed exclusively through private funds and is the only hospice for chronically and terminally ill children in Austria in which the entire affected family is cared for.



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